Musings....Lets think !

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Social work!

Me, Vivek were chatting the other day. One thing lead to other and we ended up talking about giving back something to society. I have had so many thoughts about this. I always wanted to take up something to do good for the society. I think everyone who is in staying out of country should adopt a small town or their hometown and do something for betterment of the village/town. It's always better to start with education, which can solve many problems. I have some ideas of setting up a school in my hometown where people can join in for free (or a nominal fees), give them all facilities of a good school - good education, good reading facilities, games are nominal. I think I have also idea of raising funds for this cause by publicizing the cause and letting all my friends know and hopefully they would come to help out. Again, I firmly believe the transformation of the society has to start from every person/ every house. Lets not think how could make a difference, lets have a satisfaction of doing something better to a village/town. Every person thinking this way could bring a sea-change. I also think it is more than just writing blogs, but having ideas makes difference. This kind of thing needs help/initiation from all quarters and all people from society. I also think person cannot think of the society until he has everything all right financially at home.
Another thing that our society is lacking is proper health care, I am not talking of preventive health care, I am just saying the basic health facilities. Many people from small towns have to come to a bigger one to get basic diagnosis of most common ailments like cold/cough/fever etc., Another idea is to convince the doctors from a bigger town to take a day off to that small village on a turn basis and provide them with some kind of health camp on a periodic basis. I have come across an organisation of this kind from my place which has few doctors as its members, who periodically take turns to visit nearby villages. This organisation is called Seva Bharathi .
I had an opportunity to talk to inmates of on of their affection homes(they prefer to call this to Orphanages). I was there to feed all the people on the occasion of my dad's 13th day. It was a wonderful experience. We (my brothers, cousins, nephews) served them and that scene reminds me everytime I waste any food. There are people out there who need food really bad and we sitting here wasting it. Then after they finish their dinner they would fold their hands to say "Thank you!", I was almost into tears. That whole incident made my intentions clear about what I am going to do in what I can in near future. Never get discouraged by how much you are contributing, you dont have to always do contribute financially, give them some of your free time to teach. I call upon everyone to change their attitude toward your home and try to give it back something you got so much from!! something to think about !!


  • Social work! concept is good its something on many peoples minds problem only being when,where & how to start? i guess the best way to do it is start at the grassroot level which you can personally contribute.

    Here's one such effort

    By Blogger Japes, at 1:09 PM  

  • Thats really touching. I always wanted to do that. But materialising the ideas is always a big problem. Along with education, making the kids know their inner skills, everybody is blessed with some kind of talent, can we do something to bring that skill out of many poor students? which could intern benefit the sme society. Like the kids talent , their skills helping the school financially (may be a samll amount) but the point is making them proud of what they are even though being poor. ...From UK.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 AM  

  • I agree with each and every word that you mentioned in this blog. We usually idealise and plan so much that we do not start at all hoping and aiming at perfection and some perfect day. I am saying this because I was so.

    But one small gesture from me and the subsequent responses and support, changed my entire thought process and that lead me to start a group, To Make A Difference.

    We are definitely trying to make a difference and do our level best. I am very confident and hopeful that we can realize our dreams and put our ideas into practise.

    --Prasanthi Uppalapati.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:29 AM  

  • For inspiration,

    This link is about Sri Tulasi Prasad

    This link is about Sri Mallareddy

    I know many groups that are doing and are interested to do social work.

    We Will Help You (A Yahoo Group)

    SHiFT (Serve and Help in Free Time)

    Trinanda Foundation (A yahoo group too - village development)

    Samyukta Foundation (runs model bridge schools for construction workers children)

    ASHA -- Adopts schools.

    TeluguBrains - A yahoo group again aimed at improving the usage of telugu language and serving telugu society. -- is run by NRA. You read it right, a non-resident American.

    In fact, I am thinking of planning a meeting to unite all these groups, just to know each other. Most of the above groups, I know personally.

    hmm. many more..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:38 AM  

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