Theist - Atheist
I do chat a lot with my friends..its a kind of obsession for me to chat daily with someone or the other. Its no surprise that most often I'll be chatting if I am with my laptop. Recently I was chatting with one of my friends when we came across this topic in our discussion. She said that she believes in God even when their family members do not actually believe in idol worship. I said I dont believe in God and things like idol worship. I questioned the rationality behind her believing in God. I asked why ? This sparked off a discussion between us. We shared some views on the topic which I am writing here.
She says that she needs someone to believe in ...some kind of power where she can believe in times of distress. While I never believed in any kind of deity even though I believed in my religion. I was never a ritualistic person. Later she told me that there are organisations like Nastika Kendram etc. in Andhra Pradesh which do experiments on things like presence of GOD etc. They also do social activities, I came to know from her.
Then I sat down to do my part of research in this aspect and searched on Google to find out more about such organisations. While doing this I found some interesting things on web. Some of them are regarding the debate between atheists and theists. They first thing to be thought over is why atheists are arguing with theists about the existence of God. Is it for converting them into atheism or just winning over a argument. I just couldnt understand. I just dont believe in worship thats all.
Dude seriously, there will be one point of time in everybody's lives when YOU will think of existence of some Superior power that runs the whole world. Be Rationale in thinking there is some power which runs the whole show. I actually transitioned from being an Atheist to theist some point of time in my life. Let the good stuff come to you and you too will soon become a theist!
Just smiles cant say more on your comment :-) :-) :-)
By Vivek Reddy, at 10:35 AM
I very much believe in the existence of god personally.
To answer the question on if god exists, it is very simple. God is belief. HE is what you assumes HIM of. If you believe god is there, you will get experiences which prove the existence of god. If you do not believe, then you will see through that lense only.
Even there are stories on how belief on doctors saved the lives of patients.
hmm. Reading all these blogs, I wish to start one. I started one, that is purely personal.. on my experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba and few other Avadhutas. I also started one blog specifically for TMAD group wherein I wish to share my experiences in social work and the persons who inspired me and also the incidents.
If you are serious to know about the concept of God, you can try reading Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja's books like 'Matam Emduku?', 'Vignana Veechikalu' etc.,
--Prasanthi Uppalapati
By Anonymous, at 10:53 AM
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