Thursday, December 08, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Social work!
Theist - Atheist
Friday, November 18, 2005
How Internet changed my life!
- Google is my home page (speaks volumes for itself)
- Whenever I need to buy anything, first thing I do is go to and search for it.
- I am more comfortable shopping at home online than go B&M shopping
- I do use it alot for getting my lot of office work done
- Google helped me survive my first job
- I learnt lot of SQL Server skills all online
- I found Kamal Hasan- starrer- Mahanadi Songs online when I couldnt get them anywhere
Following are few crazy things that happened to my acquaintances using I
- Ravi Vummagoni got a contact for a Visa Appointment broker using Google (unthinkable for me!)
- Boti's dad almost finished his Ph.d in Pharmacy
I was also wondering what if google is made Paid-Site? I cant imagine that, if it all, I will one of the biggest payer for that site (LOL!!!)
Vivek, do you want contribute anything on this. I am sure you have tons of stories.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
See the other side
- People are indiviualistic here and we are social in India. Social life is good until it becomes too much that we want our privacy back. They love for being what they are. They are so independent in their thinking from their childhood, I like that. You have that independence that you could do what you like. The best part these are not hypocrites.
- I call these people are the best managers in the world, that they never manufacture anything and all they do market the stuff. And at this rate, I anticipate that there will be no manufacturing in this country soon.
- I love the way these people have love for technology and common sense, I see they use a lot of technology to make their lives easier or be it putting the trash can near the creamer/sugar table in starbucks coffee rather than placing it away [affordability and availability are the key!]
- I also like the way they make comfortable by standardizing the stuff around. I meant say that they have universalisation of many of the daily things we use, that is not there in our country. [I cant think of an example]
- availability of resources be it books/musical instruments or any kinds of hobbies. They have it all.
that's all I can think of now. Also leads me to ask you a question, why in general the youth in Hyderbad want to come here other than doing Masters' here.
Monday, October 31, 2005
It's an absurd world out here...
- The road rules are opposite..everyone cars with steerings on left!!
- English grammar is awful
- Spellings are different
- Door knobs..other way round
- Taps open other way round
- Nothing made in America but branded in America...and we buy cheap things at exhobitant price tags
- The way people hold a pen or a pencil is entirely different..funny if you people have observed. Donno what makes them hold it so awkwardly
- Switches are upside down
- Doors of refrigerators, ovens....everything is opposite
- They wage wars for peace..ha funny
Cant say more..list goes on..its endless. Donno why the people have such an attitude of making rules for themselves. Really its mad. But still people cling to this nation of contradictions like bees stuck to nectar. This is a land of contradictions. Better not get lost here. I dream of a day when all Indians living in America are back in India and put in their effort, then that will be a day when India will emerge a superpower. Any answers people reading this..comments are welcome.